Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Facebook Mulai Bangkit, Wall Street Masih Merah

| Erlangga Djumena

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com Saham Facebook mendapat suntikan sehingga terangkat lima persen lebih tinggi pada Kamis (31/5/2012) waktu setempat (Jumat pagi WIB), meski Wall Street diperdagangkan lebih rendah karena data pekerjaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi kelam.

Sekalipun pasar masih di bawah awan pelambatan pertumbuhan dan masalah zona euro, Facebook rebound (berbalik naik) dari penurunan awal 4,5 persen dan mengakhiri hari dengan keuntungan 1,41 persen pada 29,60 dollar AS. Saham secara keseluruhan ditutup dengan kerugian moderat.

Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 26,41 poin atau 0,21 persen menjadi berakhir di 12.393,45. Indeks S&P 500 turun 2,99 poin atau 0,23 persen menjadi 1.310,33, sementara indeks komposit teknologi Nasdaq tergelincir 10,02 poin atau 0,35 persen menjadi 2.827,34.
"Sebagian besar saham turun untuk hari kedua di tengah kekecewaan atas data ekonomi pagi ini," kata Wells Fargo Advisors.

Penjual mengambil isyarat dari perkiraan lebih rendah pemerintah untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi kuartal pertama, menjadi 1,9 persen dari 2,2 persen, mengonfirmasikan pelambatan kecepatan dan memunculkan pertanyaan atas berapa banyak rebound bisa diharapkan pada kuartal saat ini.

Sementara itu, dua laporan pekerjaan—klaim pengangguran mingguan dan penciptaan lapangan kerja sektor swasta pada Mei—keduanya mengecewakan, menunjukkan peningkatan perlambatan perekonomian.

Facebook—masih jauh di bawah harga saham IPO pada 18 Mei sebesar 38 dollar AS—jatuh di pagi hari mencapai 26,83 dollar AS. Akan tetapi, para pembeli beraksi di akhir sesi dan mengirim harganya melonjak menjadi berakhir 5,0 persen lebih tinggi.

Bank of America memimpin saham naik (top gainer) pada kelompok saham unggulan (blue chip) Dow dengan keuntungan 2,1 persen, diikuti oleh Disney yang bertambah 1,1 persen.

Sementara itu, Caterpillar menduduki puncak kelompok saham turun (top losser), jatuh 2,8 persen setelah harapan untuk program stimulus China kandas di tengah penolakan dalam laporan resmi. Di Nasdaq, saham pembuat disk drive Seagate jatuh 3,7 persen, sedangkan saingannya, Western Digital, turun 2,6 persen setelah keduanya menerima penurunan peringkat dari Barclays Capital.

Kekhawatiran euro mengirim harga obligasi lebih tinggi. Imbal hasil pada obligasi pemerintah 10-tahun turun menjadi 1,58 persen dari 1,63 persen pada Rabu, yang merupakan titik terendah sepanjang waktu, sedangkan pada obligasi 10-tahun menjadi 2,67 persen dari 2,72 persen.
Sumber :

Emas Reli Setelah Merebaknya Rumor Rate Cut ECB

Monexnews -
Emas berjangka berhasil pulih di hari Kamis setelah harga menyentuh kondisi jenuh jual (oversold) sekaligus merupakan titik terendah 2012. Kondisi jenuh jual ini menandakan harga yang sudah terlampau murah bagi penjual nya sehingga trend turun sulit untuk dilanjutkan lebih jauh sebelum kembali ke titik resisten nya.
Berlanjutnya kecemasan krisis Eropa telah menekan harga komoditas di bursa, harga Emas bahkan anjlok dibawah support $1535, namun sejauh ini berhasil bangkit ke level $1564, atau menguat 0.05% dibanding harga pembukaan.
Dari perspektif teknikal, harga yang sedang dalam kondisi jenuh jual membuka peluang terjadinya teknikal rebound, meskipun mata uang Euro anjlok dibawah 1.2400, sekaligus mencetak titik terendah 2-tahun yang baru terhadap Dollar AS. Bagaimanapun kenaikan masih terbatas di resisten 1599, seiring dengan penguatan Dollar AS masih membatasi reli Emas yang terlampau berlebihan.
Penguatan Emas mencerminkan kembalinya tingginya permintaan pada safe haven Emas, kemungkinan terpicu oleh spekulasi adanya pemangkasan suku bunga ECB paling cepat pekan depan demi merespon kondisi penurunan outlook zona Eropa.


Minyak Sentuh Level Rendah 7 Bulan

Monexnews - Harga minyak mentah turun ke level rendah 7 bulan pada hari Kamis setelah suplai minyak mentah AS bertambah ke level tertinggi dalam hampir selama 22 tahun pekan lalu. Kenaikan pada suplai ditambah data ekonomi AS yang mengecewakan dan krisis hutang yang kian dalam di Spanyol membuat minyak menuju persentasi penurunan bulanan terbesar dalam lebih dari 3 tahun. Suplai minyak mentah As naik lebih dari perkiraan pekan lalu ke level tertinggi sejak bulan Juli 1990, menurut data dari Energy Information Administration (EIA). Data tersebut memicu aksi jual yang lebih deras dari investor.
Harga minyak juga sempat tertekan akibat data klaim pengangguran AS bertambah pekan lalu, GDP kuartal pertama yang lebih lambat dari sebelumnya dan laba perusahaan berkurang. Pasar juga terpukul oleh krisis zona Eropa, dengan fokus saat ini pada masalah hutang Spanyol, mendorong euro ke level rendah 23 bulan baru terhadap dollar dan mengurangi minat investor terhadap aset beresiko seperti minyak dan saham. (fr)


Terus Turun, Harga Minyak 86 Dollar AS

 Ester Meryana | Erlangga Djumena

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com — Harga minyak mentah mengalami penurunan terbesar bulanan dalam kurun waktu lebih dari tiga tahun menyusul adanya spekulasi bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Amerika Serikat melambat, dan krisis utang Eropa akan mengurangi permintaan bahan bakar.
Harga minyak West Texas Intermediate untuk pengantaran Juli turun 1,29 dollar AS menjadi 86,53 dollar AS per barrel di New York Mercantile Exchange, Kamis (31/5/2012) waktu setempat. Itu merupakan penetapan harga terendah sejak 20 Oktober 2011. Harga minyak berjangka melorot 17 persen dalam sebulan ini, yang merupakan penurunan terbesar sejak Desember 2008.
Adapun harga minyak Brent untuk penetapan Juli merosot 1,6 dollar AS, atau 1,5 persen, menjadi 101,87 dollar AS per barrel, di ICE Futures Europe, London.
Harga minyak turun karena semakin banyak masyarakat yang mendaftar untuk mendapatkan tunjangan pengangguran di Amerika Serikat. Ditambah lagi, pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto AS yang melambat dan laporan pemerintah setempat yang menunjukkan persediaan minyak naik ke posisi tertinggi dalam 22 tahun.
Sementara itu di Eropa, lembaga pemeringkat Fitch Ratings memangkas peringkat kredit di delapan wilayah Spanyol. Hal ini lantas memicu kekhawatiran krisis akan memaksa pemberi pinjaman untuk menyelamatkan negara. "Pasar secara jelas terlihat telah dikendalikan oleh ketakutan ekonomi," sebut Chip Hodge, Senior Managing Director Manulife Asset Management, di Boston.
"Data menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi melambat dan situasi di Eropa kian memburuk. Permasalahan ekonomi sangat kuat," tambah Chip.
Sumber :

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Gold and Silver Bounce Higher as Euro Breaks $1.24

By Eric McWhinnie On Wednesday, gold (NYSEARCA:GLD) futures for June delivery popped $14.70 to settle at $1,563.40 per ounce, while silver (NYSEARCA:SLV) futures gained 19 cents to close at $27.98. Despite trading lower earlier in the day, both precious metals managed to climb higher in the face of a stronger greenback. The U.S. dollar index climbed to as high as 83.02 as the euro sank below $1.24, representing its lowest level since mid-2010. U.S. Treasury yields also dropped to their lowest level on record. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note declined to 1.63 percent, compared to 1.73 percent the prior day. European concerns continue to weigh on the markets, as the countries that use the euro may set up a union to share the costs of bank failures in the region. The WSJ reports, “The European Commission called on the euro zone to allow its new rescue fund to directly prop up vulnerable banks—rather than pushing their home countries into full-blown bailouts. It also raised the idea of a pan-European deposit insurance fund, which would further shield individual governments from the cost of expensive bank failures.” In afternoon trading, the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:GLD) increased .72 percent, while the iShares Silver Trust (NYSEARCA:SLV) gained .44 percent. Gold miners (NYSEARCA:GDX) such as Yamana Gold (NYSE:AUY) and Barrick Gold (NYSE:ABX) both jumped more than 1 percent. Silver names such as Coeur d’Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) and Silver Wheaton (NYSE:SLW) edged .57 percent and .27 percent higher, respectively. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/346989/20120530/gold-and-silver-bounce-higher-as-euro-breaks-1-24.htm

Daya Tarik Safe Haven Emas Kembali

Monexnews - Harga emas mendapat dorongan naik pada hari Rabu, seiring krisis hutang zona Eropa yang melanda Spanyol dan membuat investor mencari aset safe haven pada dollar AS, obligasi, dan emas.
"Seperti aksi hindar resiko yang kita lihat, investor beralih pada obligasi yang yield-nya menyentuh rekor rendah, atau bertahan pada mata uang. Ini untuk mempertahankan modal, jadi untuk saat ini emas kurang diminati, namun jika anda masih bullish pada emas, akan ada level yang lebih baik," ucap Robin Bhar, analis Societe Generale. "Kami masih memperkirakan sekitar level $1,520 sebagai target dan kemungkinan lebih bawah lagi jika badai ini terus berlanjut," ucapnya.
Monexnews - Harga emas mendapat dorongan naik pada hari Rabu, seiring krisis hutang zona Eropa yang melanda Spanyol dan membuat investor mencari aset safe haven pada dollar AS, obligasi, dan emas.
"Seperti aksi hindar resiko yang kita lihat, investor beralih pada obligasi yang yield-nya menyentuh rekor rendah, atau bertahan pada mata uang. Ini untuk mempertahankan modal, jadi untuk saat ini emas kurang diminati, namun jika anda masih bullish pada emas, akan ada level yang lebih baik," ucap Robin Bhar, analis Societe Generale. "Kami masih memperkirakan sekitar level $1,520 sebagai target dan kemungkinan lebih bawah lagi jika badai ini terus berlanjut," ucapnya.


Spanyol Tekan Wall Street, Saham Facebook Masih Terpuruk

 | Erlangga Djumena |

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com — Saham-saham di Wall Street terpuruk pada Rabu (Kamis pagi WIB), mengikuti penurunan di Eropa dan Asia karena meningkatnya kekhawatiran investor tentang lemahnya bank-bank Spanyol.

Imbal hasil pada obligasi 10 tahun AS mencapai rekor titik terendah sepanjang waktu dan dollar mencapai tertinggi hampir dua tahun terhadap euro karena para investor mencari keselamatan dari masalah Eropa.

Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average jatuh 160,83 poin atau 1,28 persen menjadi ditutup pada 12.419,86. Indeks S&P 500, ukuran pasar lebih luas, merosot 19,10 poin atau 1,43 persen menjadi 1.313,32, sementara indeks komposit teknologi Nasdaq turun 33,63 poin atau 1,17 persen menjadi 2.837,36.
"Tidak ada yang dapat dianggap berita bullish dari Eropa hari ini, jadi berita bearish pada Spanyol adalah (dalam) garis depan," kata Dick Green di Briefing.com.
"Intinya adalah bahwa kekacauan di Eropa tetap berantakan. Tidak ada konsensus antarnegara tentang cara mengatasi krisis kredit dan lembaga politik untuk menangani masalah-masalah Uni Eropa."

Dua puluh sembilan dari 30 saham unggulan (blue chip) Dow ditutup di posisi merah, dengan Intel melawan arus aksi jual dengan kenaikan tipis.

Alcoa tergelincir 3,5 persen, Caterpillar kehilangan 2,5 persen, General Electric turun 1,6 persen, dan JPMorgan Chase merosot 2,0 persen. ExxonMobil dan Chevron keduanya merosot 2,6 persen di tengah penurunan tajam harga minyak.

Saham Research In Motion yang sedang kesulitan anjlok 7,1 persen setelah memperingatkan setelah pasar ditutup Selasa bahwa pihaknya memperkirakan kerugian operasional pada kuartal saat ini dan telah menunjuk bank investasi untuk mempertimbangkan pilihannya. Facebook turun 2,3 persen menjadi 28,19 dollar AS, hampir 10 dollar AS di bawah harga perdana pada 18 Mei sebesar 38 dollar AS.

Monsanto menjadi salah satu saham langka, naik 2,2 persen setelah meningkatkan prospek pendapatannya karena penjualannya yang kuat. Selanjutnya adalah Apple, naik 1,2 persen setelah kepala eksekutif Tim Cook mengisyaratkan bahwa produknya bisa datang di bidang televisi.

Dengan ketakutan menyapu Wall Street, investor gelisah menunggu serangkaian data ekonomi AS, ditutup Jumat oleh laporan pekerjaan Mei yang paling ditunggu. "Dengan aliran berita begitu sedikit hari ini banyak peserta cemas menunggu data kedua tentang PDB kuartal pertama, yang akan keluar besok bersama dengan klaim pengangguran awal mingguan," kata analis Briefing.com.
Sumber :


Harga Minyak Anjlok ke Posisi Terendah 7 Bulan

Ester Meryana | Erlangga Djumena

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com — Harga minyak mentah jatuh ke posisi terendah dalam waktu tujuh bulan menyusul adanya spekulasi persediaan minyak mentah Amerika Serikat naik ke level tertinggi sejak tahun 1990 dan melemahnya euro karena kekhawatiran krisis utang menjalar ke Spanyol.
Harga minyak West Texas Intermediate untuk pengantaran Juli jatuh 2,94 dollar AS menjadi 87,82 dollar AS per barrel di New York Mercantile Exchange, Rabu (30/5/2012) waktu setempat. Ini harga terendah sejak 21 Oktober 2011. Adapun minyak Brent untuk penetapan Juli merosot 3,21 dollar AS per barrel, atau 3 persen, menjadi 103,47 dollar AS per barrel di ICE Futures Europe Exchange, London.
Departemen Energi AS sebenarnya akan mengumumkan persediaan minyak mentah negara ini, Kamis waktu setempat. Namun, survei Bloomberg memperkirakan persediaan minyak AS akan naik 1 juta barrel menjadi 383,5 juta barrel pada minggu lalu.
Melemahnya euro terhadap dollar AS karena kondisi Spanyol pun turut mendorong harga minyak jatuh. Ditambah lagi, adanya pernyataan Menteri Perminyakan Arab Saudi Ali al-Naimi pada 13 Mei lalu di Adelaide, Australia, bahwa ia menginginkan kontrak minyak Brent jatuh di bawah 100 dollar AS per barrel. "Kami sedang melihat sebuah tumpukan dari jutaan barrel menjadi yang tertinggi dalam 22 tahun," sebut Addison Armstrong, Direktur Penelitian Pasar Tradition Energy, di Stamford, Connecticut, Rabu waktu setempat.
"Mengingat betapa tingginya persediaan dan lemahnya perekonomian terlihat, tak heran kita diperdagangkan lebih rendah. Kita mungkin akan terus melihat kekuatan dollar AS, yang mana akan terus menekan minyak," tutur Addison.


Euro Terus Merosot

Ester Meryana | Erlangga Djumena |

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com — Nilai tukar euro terhadap dollar AS merosot ke level terendah dalam hampir dua tahun karena Spanyol tampak kesulitan menyelamatkan perbankannya yang bermasalah. Ini menjadi semacam sinyal bahwa krisis utang di zona euro telah menjalar ke Spanyol.
Euro melemah 1,1 persen menjadi 1,2367 pada Rabu (30/5/2012) pukul 5 PM waktu New York. Euro pun merosot 1,6 persen menjadi 97,79 yen. Bahkan, sebelumnya sempat menyentuh 97,76 yen, merupakan level terendah sejak 18 Januari 2012, sedangkan yen menguat 0,5 persen menjadi 79,08 per dollar AS.
Mata uang bersama 17 negara Eropa ini melanjutkan penurunan terhadap yen untuk hari ketujuh, yang merupakan pelemahan terpanjang dalam empat bulan, setelah Italia tidak mencapai target penjualan dalam lelang obligasinya.
Yen dan dollar AS menguat karena investor mencari aset yang lebih aman setelah laporan Eropa menyebutkan kepercayaan ekonomi turun lebih dari yang diperkirakan ekonom pada bulan Mei. "Pasar telah kehilangan kepercayaan dirinya dalam euro," sebut Carl Forcheski, Direktur Societe Generale SA, di New York, Rabu waktu setempat.
"Kami sedikit oversold, tetapi tentunya jalan sangat jelas untuk kemungkinan pengujian 1,20 dollar AS atau 1,1877 dollar AS yang merupakan posisi terendah tahun 2010," tambah dia.
Sumber :

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Si Kuning Kembali Berkilau - pasarmodal.inilah.com

Si Kuning Kembali Berkilau - pasarmodal.inilah.com

TOI: Wall Street ends up over 1%, Facebook falls 10%

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Bad Night For The Euro, Japan Is Going Down

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Bad Night For The Euro, Japan Is Going Down


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Harga Emas Ambles 1% Lebih Akibat Kembali Bergejolaknya Euro - Commodity News | Vibiznews

Harga Emas Ambles 1% Lebih Akibat Kembali Bergejolaknya Euro - Commodity News | Vibiznews

(Vibiznews - Commodity) - Pada akhir perdagangan di bursa Nymex dini hari tadi harga minyak mentah membukukan penurunan lebih dari 1% (30/05). Harga emas ambles di tengah perdagangan yang bervolume cukup tinggi. Anjloknya euro terhadap dolar di tengah pemotongan rating kredit Spanyol kembali hantam harga emas.

Harga emas merespon negatif penurunan rating kredit Spanyol. Egan-Jones memotong rating kredit Spanyol menjadi B dari level Bb-. Sebuah perdebatan di Spanyol mengenai rekapitalisasi Bankia group mengakibatkan timbulnya spekulasi bahwa krisis kredit akan menyebar ke negara tersebut.

Harga emas spot dini hari tadi berakhir pada posisi 1554.95 dolar per troy ons, membukukan penurunan sebesar 18.50 dolar per troy ons dibandingkan posisi penutupan perdagangan sebelumnya. Harga emas berjangka Nymex untuk kontrak Juni tampak mengalami penurunan lebih dari 1% ke posisi 1548.70 dolar per troy ons.

Setelah harga ambles hingga ke level 1520-an dolar per troy ons, harga emas bergerak rebound. Harga emas saat ini berada dalam trend rebound akibat harga sudah mencapai kondisi jenuh jual. Harga emas akan coba kembali tembus level 1600.

(Ika Akbarwati/IA/vbn)

Euro Kembali Berpotensi Ambles ke 22 Bulan Terendah - Forex News | Vibiznews

Euro Kembali Berpotensi Ambles ke 22 Bulan Terendah - Forex News | Vibiznews


Monexnews - Saham Facebook yang terkenal dalam industri portal jejaring sosial, sempat diperkenalkan dengan kisaran harga $34-$36, kini tersedia untuk diperdagangkan di Monex. Perusahaan yang dirintis oleh Mark Zuckerberg memulai debut IPO-nya dengan beberapa perusahaan penjamin emisi dan banyak dinanti karena merupakan saham jejaring yang diperkirakan akan mendapatkan dana sekitar $80-$100 dana dari IPO ini memberikan peluang bagi investor untuk ikut meramaikan perdagangan saham ini.
Sempat diwarnai kontroversi aksi jual menjelang IPO-nya, saat ini Facebook diperdagangkan dalam kisaran ketat, dibawah perkiraan harga IPO $38 per lembar saham. Saat ini saham jejaring sosial tersebut telah bersiap melakukan banyak inovasi untuk melengkapi fasilitas jejaring sosial tersebut. Salah satunya adalah kiprah Facebook yang saat ini dikabarkan sedang mengembangkan produk dan mempekerjakan mantan teknisi  Apple untuk membuat smartphone Facebook. Saham yang kabarnya merupakan saham fenomenal setelah IPO Visa.
Saham jejaring sosial ini juga tengah dilanda masalah dengan aksi borong yang dilakukan para calon investornya. Morgan Stanley tengah melakukan pembelian saham Facebook secara agresif agar menjaga harga saham tetap bertahan diatas harga penawaran $38, namun di saat bersamaan mereka berkompetisi dengan Goldman Sachs dan JPMorgan Chase yang meminjamkan emiten saham tersebut pada hedge fund agar bisa melakukan short selling.
Kisruh Facebook tidak berhenti disitu saja, empat market market papan atas Wall Street menyalahkan Nasdaq atas error yang terjadi saat IPO Facebook tersebut, sehingga menyebabkan kerugian lebih dari $100 juta.
Senior eksekutif dari Knight Capital, Citadel Securities, UBS dan Citigroup mengaku bahwa mereka memiliki masalah dengan ribuan order customer ketika Facebook menawarkan saham perdananya, dimana investor mendapatkan eksekusi harga yang tidak sama dengan waktu order.
Dengan banyaknya faktor-faktor diatas, saham Facebook tentunya akan mengundang banyak fluktuasi harga, yang membuka peluang bagi para investor untuk segera bergabung dalam perdagangan saham jejaring sosial tersebut. Karena itu, segera bergabung dengan para pelaku pasar global untuk mendapatkan peluang tersebut, hanya di Monex.


Oil slips after Spain credit downgrade pressures

By Robert Gibbons NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices fell on Tuesday in choppy trading, faltering after a downgrade of Spain's credit rating sent the euro to nearly a two-year low against the dollar. Egan-Jones Ratings cut Spain's credit rating for the third time in less than a month, which weakened the single currency and rekindled fears of a spreading debt crisis in the euro zone. "Crude oil prices dropped as soon as the Egan-Jones downgrade of Spanish debt was announced," said John Kilduff, partner at Again Capital LLC in New York. "The reaction highlights the nervous state of the markets over the slow creep toward the precipice of a market disruption event in the euro zone," he added. Before the downgrade, oil and equities had risen on optimism about polls showing leads for Greek political parties in favor of austerity and a report that China's biggest banks have accelerated lending. Also supportive for oil were revived concerns about supply disruptions because Iran's dispute with the West over Tehran's nuclear program remains unresolved. Brent crude for July delivery fell 43 cents to settle at $106.68 a barrel, having swung from $106.06 to $107.95. U.S. crude oil futures lost 10 cents to settle at $90.76 a barrel, off a high of $92.21. U.S. investors returned to the markets after Monday's U.S. Memorial Day observance. Brent's premium to U.S. crude ended at $15.92 based on settlements. Total crude trading volumes for Brent were 13 percent below the 30-day average, with U.S. turnover 20 percent below its 30-day average. U.S. RBOB gasoline futures held gains ahead of Thursday's front-month June contract expirations for gasoline and U.S. heating oil. Gasoline received support from expected stronger fuel demand after the Memorial Day weekend, which marks the traditional start of the U.S. summer driving season, and from recent sharp drops in fuel inventories. SPAIN, GREECE ROIL MARKETS U.S. stocks rose on renewed hopes Greece will stay in the euro zone, but gains in equities were curbed by Spain's problems and by Facebook Inc's (FB.O) drop under $30 a share. .N Industrial feedstock copper fell for the first time in four sessions after the news of Spain's credit downgrade. The Reuters/Jefferies CRB index of commodities .CRB eased 0.78 percent. IRAN Oil's decline was limited by fears that talks between major powers and Iran will fail to defuse the dispute over Tehran's nuclear program. Tensions have kept investors cautious after inconclusive discussions last week. Iranian officials have thus far declined to grant U.N. inspectors access to a complex at Parchin, the center of Western suspicions that Iran is developing nuclear weapons capability. Iran has significantly stepped up its output of low-enriched uranium, and production in the last five years would be enough for at least five nuclear weapons if refined much further, the U.S.-based Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) said. The analysis was based on data in the latest report by the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Six world powers failed to persuade Iran last week to halt its most sensitive nuclear work, but they will meet again in Moscow next month. U.S. OIL INVENTORIES U.S. crude oil stockpiles were expected to have increased last week as imports continued to be robust, a preliminary Reuters survey of analysts showed. Distillate and gasoline stocks were seen little changed. Oil inventory reports will be delayed due to Monday's U.S. holiday. Industry group the American Petroleum Institute will release data on Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. EDT (2030 GMT), with the government's report following on Thursday at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT). OPEC output in May hit its highest since 2008 as Saudi Arabia maintained high rates and Iranian shipments did not fall substantially more ahead of a European Union embargo set to start in July, a Reuters survey found on Tuesday. (Additional reporting by Matthew Robinson in New York, Julia Payne in London; and Luke Pachymuthu in Singapore; Editing by David Gregorio and Dale Hudson) http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/29/us-markets-oil-idUSBRE83H17O20120529

Euro hit by Spain woes, Global stocks rise

By Herbert Lash and Steven C. Johnson NEW YORK (Reuters) - The euro neared a two-year low on Tuesday as investors fretted about Spain's troubled banking system, but global stocks jumped on speculation Greece would stay in the euro zone and news that China would take new measures to stem an economic slowdown. The euro fell further below $1.25 after Egan-Jones Ratings cut Spain's credit score for the third time in less than a month, saying the need to support the country's banks was putting new strains on Spanish public finances. The euro fell to lows versus the U.S. dollar last seen in since July 2010, as Spain's 10-year borrowing costs rose to 6.54 percent. The euro traded down 0.3 percent to $1.2503. Spanish stocks also fell and Spain's borrowing costs held near six-month highs after a source said the government would issue new debt to recapitalize troubled lender Bankia. European Central Bank officials declined to comment on speculation of further action to bolster banks in the euro zone. "The rumor mill has been busy, with talk of an ECB press conference about bank recapitalization, supporting the euro and giving euro zone stocks upside momentum," said Saxo Bank Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen, in Copenhagen. "We do not believe in it, for the record." MSCI's all-country world equity index .MIWD00000PUS rose 0.9 percent to 303.71, while the FTSEurofirst 300 .FTEU3 of top regional shares closed up 0.7 percent at 990.99. Stocks on Wall Street rose on renewed hopes Greece will stay in the euro zone after Greek election polls pointed to support for pro-bailout parties in elections next month. The major U.S. indices were up more than 1 percent even though Facebook Inc (FB.O) hit a new low of $28.65, with losses accelerating after falling through the $30 per share barrier. The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI added 125.86 points, or 1.01 percent, to end at 12,580.69. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX was up 14.60 points, or 1.11 percent, at 1,332.42. The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC was up 33.46 points, or 1.18 percent, at 2,870.99. Investors took heart from polls showing a party that backs Greece's international bailout was leading ahead of a June 17 election. If the New Democracy Party can form a government, Greece would be less likely to quit the euro. "There's increasing hope that the more conservative party will win out in Greece, which is enough to spur some buying today," said Mark Luschini, chief investment strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott in Philadelphia. Reports that China was planning a new round of stimulus spending to boost lending and growth also cheered stock markets and briefly boosted oil prices, which later slipped on the Spain downgrade and Middle East supply worries. Traders also appear to be anticipating better-than-expected economic news this week. U.S. May jobs and Institute for Supply Management reports are due on Friday, noted Fred Dickson, chief market strategist at D.A. Davidson & Co in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Still, a high degree of caution marked trading in the bond markets. U.S. government debt prices slipped in late trade and the yield on Germany's 10-year bond hit a record low as doubts grew over Spain's plan to recapitalize its banks and obtain financing for its struggling regional governments. "It's mostly how you solve the Spanish bank problem, so there's a bit of safe-haven buying," said David Keeble, global head of interest rates strategy at Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Banking in New York. U.S. Treasury prices retreated late in the session after yields on 10-year U.S. debt came within striking distance of the 1.67 percent level reached in September - the lowest in at least 60 years. The benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note was unchanged in price to yield 1.75 percent. Benchmark 10-year German Bund yields touched a new low before edging up to 1.356 percent. The June Bund futures contract also hit a record high of 144.58, but later fell to 144.31. Spanish debt rose within 46 basis points of the 7 percent threshold that was the tipping point that forced other euro zone countries such as Portugal and Ireland to seek emergency rescues. Kathy Lien, director of research at GFT Forex in Jersey City, New Jersey, said such a spike could add to pressure on the euro. Current prices, she said, "suggest everyone who wants to be short the euro is already short," but "the next catalyst could come from a rise above 7 percent in Spanish yields, which would accelerate selling." Markets barely reacted after a private sector report showed U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly cooled in May, falling to the lowest level in four months as Americans became more pessimistic about the job market and economic outlook. Another report showed U.S. home prices edged higher for the second month in a row in March, suggesting prices are stabilizing as the housing recovery gains momentum. Brent oil futures settled down 43 cents at $106.68 a barrel. U.S. light sweet crude oil fell 10 cents to settle at $90.76 per barrel. Gold fell as the euro's slide on worries over Spanish debt prompted investors to sell the precious metal along with other dollar-sensitive commodities. U.S. gold futures for June delivery settled down $20.20 at $1,548.70. The Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index .CRB fell 0.78 percent at 279.74. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/29/us-markets-global-idUSBRE83R03020120529

Gold Falls 1 Percent in Heavy Volume as Euro Slides

By Frank Tang Gold fell 1 percent amid heavy trading volume on Tuesday, as the euro's slide on worries over Spain's debt prompted investors to sell the precious metal, which fell more than oil and agricultural commodities. Bullion rose in early trade and then erased those gains as the euro tumbled below $1.25 to hit its lowest in nearly two years after credit agency Egan-Jones downgraded Spain's sovereign credit rating. U.S. equities trimmed gains and other commodities dropped. Gold was headed for a monthly decline of nearly 7 percent in May, which would be its fourth straight monthly decline, the longest stretch since January 2000. It would also be the steepest monthly slide of 2012. Bullion's investment appeal has been more than offset by the strength in the U.S. dollar and Treasuries, also viewed as safe havens by investors. "That trade which is directly tied to the euro weakness, and has made gold so significantly volatile, is going to have a short-term negative impact on gold," said Jeffrey Sica, chief investment officer of SICA Wealth Management LLC. "People are trading out of gold based on the euro weakness, but they will buy back into gold based on fear," said Sica, who manages $1 billion in client assets. Spot gold was down 1.2 percent at $1,553.29 an ounce by 1:45 p.m. EDT (1745 GMT). U.S. gold futures for June delivery were down $16.20 at $1,552.70 in heavy trading boosted by month-end book-squaring as U.S. traders returned after Monday's Memorial Day holiday. Volume topped 430,000 lots, preliminary Reuters data showed, near a 2012 high of 470,000 contracts traded on January 26. Earlier in the session, gold hit a high of $1,582.40 as U.S. equities initially jumped 1 percent on a mixed bag of data including higher home prices but a four-month low in consumer confidence. EUROPE'S DEBT, PAYROLLS EYED Persistent worries about Europe prompted investors and speculators last week to make their most aggressive bet against the euro since the inception of the single currency. Investors are worried about Spain's escalating borrowing costs and weakening banking sector and Greece's election next month. Mike Zarembski, senior commodity analyst at online brokerage optionsXpress Inc, said gold might rally if Greece leaves the euro zone, as other "safe" currencies such as the U.S. dollar are plagued with their own problems. Attention is already shifting towards U.S. employment data due Friday. The non-farm payrolls report is expected to show the world's largest economy added 150,000 new jobs in May. Among other precious metals, silver fell 1.9 percent to $27.87 an ounce. Spot platinum was down 0.7 percent at $1,422.74 an ounce, while spot palladium eased 0.2 percent at $599.72 an ounce. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/346494/20120529/gold-falls-1-percent-heavy-volume-euro.htm

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Bisnis Indonesia News

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Outlook Dan Review Pekan Ini: 28 Mei – 1 Juni 2012

halnya pekan lalu, suasana pasar pada minggu ini secara umum masih dihantui kekhawatiran
meluasnya krisis utang di kawasan Eropa terutama oleh sentimen negatif terhadap krisis perbankan di
negara Spanyol serta kecemasan akan keluarnya Yunani dari blok 17-negara ditambah munculnya
resiko serupa yang mungkin harus dihadapi oleh beberapa negara lainnya.
Pekan lalu pasar nampak belum mendapat kepuasan dari hasil pertemuan (meeting) informal para
pemimpin Uni Eropa lantaran mereka belum mampu membuat langkah konkrit guna mencegah krisis
utang yang semakin dalam di kawasan. Bahkan para pemimpin Uni Eropa juga belum bisa membujuk
negara Yunani untuk tetap bertahan di kawasan mata uang tunggal tersebut. Sehingga ketidakpastian
dari pertemuan itu terus menerus menurunkan minat pasar terhadap aset-aset yang lebih beresiko.
Masih di pekan lalu, pihak Standard&Poors kembali memangkas rating terhadap lima bank di Spanyol
dan mengatakan negara itu bakal masuk resesi tahap kedua. Namun laporan terakhir mengindikasikan
partai konservatif Yunani yang memegang kekuasaan pada pemilu bulan depan, telah memberikan
sinyal kemajuan stabilitas bagi krisis hutang kawasan.
Memasuki minggu terakhir di bulan Mei ini, kekhawatiran masalah Eropa belum juga padam. Justru
ketidakpstian itu kembali membara setelah muncul kabar bahwa bank terbesar keempat di negara
Spanyol – Bankia, meminta suntikan dana dari pemerintah Spanyol (bailout) senilai 19 miliar euro
(US$ 24 miliar) atau sekitar Rp 216 triliun. Ini merupakan bailout terbesar sepanjang sejarah Spanyol.
Jika permintaan suntikan dana ini disetujui, maka pemerintah Spanyol secara total telah
mengeluarkan sebanyak 235 miliar euro untuk menyelamatkan sektor perbankan saja. Padahal
sebelumnya di tahun 2010 pemerintah Spanyol sudah membantu modal untuk melakukan merger
terhadap tujuh bank bermasalah. Alhasil, berita kejatuhan Bankia ini, yang saat ini menjadi masalah
perbankan di Spanyol, telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran terhadap munculnya dampak sistemik ke
sektor perbankan secara global.
Minggu ini pasar global tidak akan begitu ramai karena pasar Amerika tutup di hari Senin (28/5/2012)
berkenaan libur nasional ‘Memorial Day’. Namun di hari Kamis dan Jumat sederet laporan ekonomi
akan memberikan gambaran terhadap sektor ketenaga-kerjaan, pengeluaran/belanja konsumen serta
aktivitas manufaktur. Setelah minggu lalu pasar dibayangi oleh isu perlambatan seiring angka
manufaktur PMI China kembali menyusut, fokus pasar pekan ini mulai beralih ke data Non Farm
Payrolls Amerika (NFP) yang di prediksi akan menunjukkan kenaikkan sebanyak 150.000 dari
sebelumnya 115.000.
EURUSD terus mengalami keterpurukan setelah mata uang tunggal ini pekan lalu akhirnya pecah ke
bawah level terendah tahun 2012 di 1.2624. Melihat indikator utama MACD, Moving Average dan
Stochastic yang masih downtrend, tidak menutup kemungkinan EUR dapat pecah ke bawah 1.2500
GBPUSD telah mencatat penurunan mingguan tertajam selama 4-pekan beruntun hingga mencapai
level terendah pekan lalu di 1.5628. Peluang rally untuk kembali ke level 1.6 menjadi sangat sulit,
sementara tekanan bearish dapat memicu sterling kembali menembus ke bawah area 1.5600.
XAUUSD / pekan lalu emas kembali nyaris mencapai area $1600 per troy ons. Namun peluang koreksi
masih terbuka jika harga emas kembali ke bawah level $1555 dengan target berikutnya di kisaran
$1525. Sementara potensi rebound hingga ke level $1600 hingga $1630.


Dollar retreats as Greek fears abate

By Kate Gibson and Sarah Turner, MarketWatch NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — The dollar on Monday retreated from 2010 highs as opinion polls illustrated support for Greek political parties backing a rescue plan, curbing appetite for assets perceived as safe. The ICE dollar index DXY +0.17% fell to 82.228 from 82.4 late Friday, when it a level not seen since 2010. Click to Play Does the euro have a future, or is it too late? The future of the European economy is in doubt and there’s also the possibility of the U.S. economy being pulled back into recession. The much-battered euro EURUSD -0.14% was nearly flat at $1.2540 from $1.2514 Friday, when it hit a 22-month low. Read more on Friday's currency market action. Mitul Kotecha, head of global foreign exchange strategy at Credit Agricole, pinned the move for both currencies Monday on broad-market relief triggered by weekend opinion polls in Greece. “Greek opinion polls show growing support for pro-bailout parties. While the Greek election is still some weeks off, suggesting that uncertainty will not ease quickly, this news will allay fears of a quick ‘Grexit’” Kotecha said. Major U.S. markets were closed Monday for the Memorial Day holiday. Against the Japanese yen USDJPY +0.18% , also regarded as a safe-haven asset, the dollar bought 79.455 yen, compared with ¥79.67 in late trading last week. Kate Gibson is a reporter for MarketWatch, based in New York. Sarah Turner is MarketWatch's bureau chief in Sydney. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/dollar-index-retreats-as-greek-fears-abate-2012-05-28?siteid=rss&rss=1

Gold Focus Still on 1600 Before Next Bear Leg

“Gold has broken below a major trendline (and channel) that extends off of lows in 2008, 2010, and 2011. Focus is now on the December low at 1522.50 and then support from May 2011 and resistance from December 2010 at 1430/60.” Near term, the rally from the low is impulsive. Therefore, expect an assault on trendline resistance above 1600 before the trend turns down once more. LEVELS: 1462 1477 1522.50 1565 1600 1625 http://www.dailyfx.com/forex/technical/elliott_wave/gold/2012/05/28/eliottWaves_gold.html

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Drachma Yunani Tak Kuasa Tekan Tingginya Impor - pasarmodal.inilah.com

Drachma Yunani Tak Kuasa Tekan Tingginya Impor - pasarmodal.inilah.com

Greek poll surveys, EZ banks rescue talk underpin risk

Greek poll surveys, EZ banks rescue talk underpin risk

Precious Metals Pare Weekly Losses, XAU Inches Higher

By jturbin Gold and silver futures advanced on Friday despite stability in the U.S. dollar, but nonetheless finished the week in negative territory. Shares of most precious metals companies were also in the black Friday afternoon, and also significantly outperformed the metals over the five-day stretch. COMEX gold futures for June delivery settled higher by $11.40, or 0.7%, at $1,568.90 per ounce. In doing so, the yellow metal cut its weekly loss to 1.4%. However, on a year-to-date basis gold futures turned fractionally higher, by 0.1%. Silver futures – per the COMEX July contract – climbed $0.29, or 1.0%, to $28.45 per ounce on Friday. With the rise, gold’s sister precious metal reduced its weekly loss to 0.9% and extended its year-to-date gain to 2.9%. As for gold and silver equities, the Philadelphia Gold & Silver Index (XAU) added 0.5% to 157.79 in afternoon trading. From last Friday’s closing level of 147.76, the XAU has now advanced 6.8% – putting the Index on pace for its best weekly rise since an 8.4% gain from January 23-27 of this year. Despite the recent rebound, however, the XAU remains lower by 12.6% in 2012. Notable gold miners rallying on Friday included Yamana Gold (AUY) and Gold Fields (GFI), which climbed by 2.4% to $14.80 and by 0.6% to $13.23 per share. Silver Standard Resources (SSRI) and Silver Wheaton (SLW), two of the most widely-traded silver stocks, advanced by 1.1% to $11.31 and by 0.6% to $26.50 per share. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/345610/20120525/precious-metals-pare-weekly-losses-xau-inches-higher.htm

Oil Climbs a Third Day Amid Greece Optimism, Iran Tension

By Ben Sharples Oil advanced for a third day in New York amid signs voters in Greece may support a European Union bailout, easing concern that the region’s debt crisis will worsen and derail the global economic recovery. Futures gained as much as 0.6 percent after Greece’s New Democracy party, which supports the bailout plan agreed with international lenders, placed first in all six opinion polls published in the country May 26. Oil has slipped 13 percent this month amid concern Europe’s crisis will curb fuel demand. Prices climbed on May 25 after the United Nations atomic agency said Iran boosted its output of enriched uranium. Crude for July delivery increased as much as 51 cents to $91.37 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, and was at $91.27 at 9:30 a.m. Sydney time. The contract rose 0.2 percent to $90.86 on May 25, the highest close since May 22. Prices are down 7.7 percent this year. There will be no floor trading in New York today because of the Memorial Day holiday. Brent oil for July settlement was at $106.90 a barrel, up 7 cents, on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. The European benchmark contract’s premium to West Texas Intermediate was at $15.63, from $15.97 on May 25. Iran Inspections Iran almost doubled its stockpile of 20 percent medium- enriched uranium, the International Atomic Energy Agency said May 25 in a report. The inspectors also reported they’d found “the presence of particles” of 27 percent-enriched uranium at the nation’s Fordo facility. The West has imposed sanctions on oil exports by Iran, the second-biggest crude producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries after Saudi Arabia, to curb its nuclear program. While the Persian Gulf nation insists that its atomic work is peaceful, it has been under IAEA scrutiny since 2003 over evidence that it is seeking nuclear-weapon capabilities. The leader of New Democracy, Antonis Samaras, said on May 26 that the cost of Greece leaving the euro area would be greater than staying in the shared currency. The party led by a margin of as much as 5.7 percentage points over Syriza, the main party opposed to implementing the terms of financial aid packages, according to a poll by Kapa Research SA for To Vima newspaper. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-27/oil-climbs-a-third-day-amid-greece-optimism-iran-tension.html

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012


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Here Are The Key Market Moving Events For Friday, May 25

By Eric Platt Friday is a relatively slow day, with investors in the U.S. looking for any change in consumer sentiment. Globally, confidence readings in France, Germany, and South Korea will guide markets. Here's what you need to know. South Korea starts things off at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday evening with consumer confidence. There is no consensus for the May report, which follows a 104 reading in April. Japanese inflation follows at 7:30 p.m. with expectations for CPI to increase 0.4 percent year-on-year. A reading of business conditions in China hits at 9:35 p.m. At 1:00 a.m. on Friday morning, Singapore will release industrial production figures for April. Economists forecast production increased 0.6 percent during the month. German consumer confidence is scheduled for 2:00 a.m. with forecasts for a flat reading of 5.6 for June. French consumer confidence follows at 2:45 a.m. Economists forecast the May reading is unchaged at 88. Spain will release a reading of producer prices at 3:00 a.m. The key index is expected to remain flat in April. Retail sales in Italy will be released at 4:00 a.m. Consensus is for a 0.2 percent month-on-month decline in March. Mexican unemployment follows at 9:00 a.m. Economists anticipate the jobless rate increased to 4.9 percent in April from 4.62 percent a month earlier. Attention shifts to the U.S. at 9:30 a.m. with the final reading of May University of Michigan Consumer Confidence. Expectations are an earlier report at 77.8 to hold. There are no major earnings announcements scheduled in the U.S. on Friday. Consensus estimates provided by Bloomberg. All times are in Eastern Standard Time. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/market-moving-events-25-2012-5?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29#ixzz1vpyd8cSh


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Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Kekhawatiran Yunani Angkat Dolar, Emas Jatuh - ekonomi.inilah.com

Kekhawatiran Yunani Angkat Dolar, Emas Jatuh - ekonomi.inilah.com

Ini Dia 5 IPO Terbaik & Terburuk di Dunia

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Euro Terpuruk ke Posisi Terendah Sejak Juli 2010

 Ester Meryana | Erlangga Djumena |

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com - Mata uang euro melemah ke posisi terendah terhadap dollar AS sejak Juli 2010 menyusul adanya spekulasi bahwa pertemuan para pemimpin Uni Eropa tidak menghasilkan sesuatu langkah yang baru untuk mengatasi krisis utang di zona euro.
Euro melemah 0,8 persen menjadi 1,2582 dollar AS pada Rabu (23/5/2012) pukul 5 PM waktu New York, setelah sebelumnya menyentuh 1,2545 dollar AS, posisi terendah sejak 13 Juli 2010. Euro juga merosot 1,4 persen menjadi 100 yen, setelah sebelumnya jatuh ke posisi 99,54 yen. Sementara yen menguat 0,6 persen menjadi 79,47 dollar AS.
Euro terus melemah sejak mata uang bersama di 17 negara Eropa ini melemah di bawah 100 yen untuk pertama kali sejak Februari 2012 dan melemah di bawah 1,26 dollar AS.
Presiden Dewan Eropa, Herman Van Rompuy, dalam sebuah surat sebelum pertemuan para pemimpin UE mengatakan, gejolak finansial di zona euro akan datang pada akhir pertemuan di Brussels, Belgia.
"Akan sulit memperkirakan tindakan kebijakan nyata yang akan dihasilkan dari pertemuan ini, dan nada retorika akan menjadi kunci bagi pasar," sebut Ravi Bharadwaj, analis pasar Western Union Co. (WU)'s Western Union Business Solutions unit, di Washington, Rabu waktu setempat.

Sumber :

Wall Street Ditutup Variasi

 | Erlangga Djumena |

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com - Wall Street ditutup bervariasi (mixed) pada Rabu(23/5/2012) waktu setempat (Kamis pagi WIB). Reli pada akhir perdagangan mengikis kerugian yang dipicu oleh meningkatnya kekhawatiran Yunani keluar dari euro dan pendapatan mengecewakan dari pembuat komputer Dell.

Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 6,66 poin atau 0,05 persen menjadi 12.496,15 pada akhir perdagangan. Indeks saham S&P 500 naik 2,23 poin atau 0,17 persen menjadi 1.318,86, sedangkan teknologi Nasdaq menambahkan 11,04 poin atau 0,39 persen menjadi 2.805,12.

"Pada awal perdagangan, Wall Street mengikuti pasar Eropa lebih rendah di tengah meningkatnya kekhawatiran bahwa Yunani akan meninggalkan euro," sebut Wells Fargo.

Kekhawatiran baru datang menjelang pertemuan KTT Uni Eropa, Rabu, yang difokuskan pada krisis Yunani yang terlilit utang dan perlambatan tajam dalam ekonomi zona euro.

Euro jatuh di bawah 1,26 dollar AS, tingkat terendah sejak 2010, dan imbal hasil (yield) obligasi 10-tahun Jerman mencapai rekor terendah karena para investor mencari keselamatan.
Sumber :

Harga Minyak Anjlok di Bawah 90 Dollar AS

Ester Meryana | Hertanto Soebijoto |

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com - Harga minyak West Texas Intermediate akhirnya berada di bawah 90 dollar AS per barrel pada Rabu (23/5/2012) waktu New York. Hal itu diakibatkan oleh kenaikan persediaan minyak mentah Amerika Serikat (AS) ke posisi tertinggi dalam 22 tahun dan pertemuan para pemimpin Eropa untuk berbicara mengenai krisis utang di zona euro.
Harga minyak WTI untuk pengantaran Juli pun langsung merosot 1,95 dollar AS menjadi 89,90 dollar AS per barrel di New York Mercantile Exchange. Sedangkan, harga minyak jenis Brent untuk penetapan Juli merosot 2,85 dollar AS per barrel, atau 2,6 persen, menjadi 105,56 dollar AS per barrel di ICE Futures Europe exchange, London.
Departemen Energi AS menyebutkan, persediaan minyak mentah AS naik 883.000 barrel menjadi 382,5 juta barrel pada minggu lalu. Jumlah persediaan itu mencapai level tertinggi sejak Agustus 1990. Kenaikan persediaan yang besar tersebut sudah diestimasi oleh survei Bloomberg namun angkanya jauh lebih besar dari itu, yakni 1,65 juta barrel.
"Kami (harga minyak) terus turun karena persediaan terus naik dan dollar AS menguat terhadap euro, menyakiti semua komoditas," sebut Todd Horwitz, Chief Strategist Adam Mesh Trading Group, di Chicago, Rabu waktu setempat.
Lalu, turunnya harga minyak juga disebabkan adanya pertemuan Uni Eropa yang ke-18 sejak Yunani dilanda krisis utang. Pertemuan itu menjadi yang pertama sejak kampanye anti penghematan yang dipelopori oleh Francois Hollande dalam memenangkan jabatan Presiden Perancis. Euro lantas melemah ke level terendah dalam dua tahun.
"Saya memperkirakan harga minyak turun ke pertengahan 80 dollar AS dan akhirnya bisa menguji posisi rendah musim panas lalu yang mendekati 75 dollar AS," tambah Todd.


Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Harga Emas Sesi Asia Makin Terpuruk ke Posisi Terendah dalam 4 Hari - Commodity News | Vibiznews

Harga Emas Sesi Asia Makin Terpuruk ke Posisi Terendah dalam 4 Hari - Commodity News | Vibiznews

BOJ reports shows optimism tone; Yen rises - Forex News | Vibiznews

BOJ reports shows optimism tone; Yen rises - Forex News | Vibiznews

Gold and Silver Fall After Japan Downgrade

By Eric McWhinnie On Tuesday, gold (NYSEARCA:GLD) futures for June delivery declined $12.10 to settle at $1,576.60 per ounce, while silver (NYSEARCA:SLV) futures edged 14 cents lower to close at $28.18. Both precious metals declined for the second consecutive day as the U.S. dollar index climbed higher. The greenback hit as high as 81.53 on Tuesday, following a Japan downgraded by Fitch. The ratings agency cut the nation’s sovereign rating due to the government taking a “leisurely” approach to Japan’s out of control debt problems. Don’t Miss: What are Hedge Funds Doing With Gold? Fitch downgraded Japan’s rating to A+ from AA. The WSJ reports, “The move comes as parliament is in the midst of debating a bill to raise taxes to help curb the massive deficit. It serves as a reminder to investors that amid concerns about European debt levels, the perceived safe haven of Japan may be short-lived as the debt load continues to rise above 200 percent of annual gross domestic product, the highest among all industrialized nations.” The downgrade gave a clear boost to the U.S. dollar and provided weakness to gold and silver prices. In afternoon trading, the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:GLD) fell 1.31 percent, while the iShares Silver Trust (NYSEARCA:SLV) dropped .98 percent. Gold miners (NYSEARCA:GDX) such as Barrick Gold (NYSE:ABX) and Newmont Mining (NYSE:NEM) declined 1.49 percent and .23 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, silver names such as Silver Wheaton (NYSE:SLW) and Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL) fell .43 percent and .73 percent, respectively. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/344121/20120522/gold-and-silver-fall-after-japan-downgrade.htm

(BN) Oil Trades Near Two-Day Low on Iran Deal, Rising Supplies

Bloomberg News, sent from my Android phone

May 23 (Bloomberg) -- Oil declined for a second day in New York after Iran agreed to grant access to United Nations nuclear inspectors and U.S. crude stockpiles increased. 

Futures slid as much as 0.7 percent. UN atomic inspectors and Iran broke a five-year stalemate with a deal that gives the International Atomic Energy Agency access to the nation’s Parchin military complex, IAEA head Yukiya Amano said yesterday. Oil prices advanced in the first four months of this year on concern sanctions against Iran will disrupt supplies. U.S. crude inventories rose 1.5 million barrels last week, the American Petroleum Institute said. A government report today may show they gained 1.7 million barrels, a Bloomberg survey shows. 

“The agreement by Iran to let the inspectors in is a small step in potentially reducing the supply risk,” said Ric Spooner, a chief market analyst at CMC Markets in Sydney. “That feeds into the overall situation where demand is steady to somewhat soft against a background of more than adequate supplies.” 

Crude for July delivery declined as much as 60 cents to $91.25 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, and was at $91.27 at 10:55 a.m. Sydney time. The contract slid 1.1 percent to $91.85 yesterday, the lowest close since May 18. The June future, which expired, fell 91 cents to $91.66. Front-month prices are 7.6 percent lower this year. 

Brent oil for July settlement dropped 81 cents, or 0.8 percent, to $107.60 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. The European benchmark contract’s premium to West Texas Intermediate was at $16.33, from $16.56 yesterday. 

Iran Talks 

Iran, the second-biggest crude producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is suspected by the West to have worked on the trigger for an atomic bomb at the Parchin complex. The nation holds talks about its nuclear program in Baghdad today with the U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China and Germany. The sides failed to produce an accord at their last gathering on April 14 in Istanbul, where they described the discussions as “constructive.” 

The Western powers won’t give Iran relief from oil and financial sanctions when they meet in the Iraqi capital, said U.S. officials. They may offer confidence-building measures in return for Iranian concessions, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity. 

U.S. gasoline inventories dropped 4.5 million barrels last week, the API data showed. An Energy Department report today may show they declined 650,000 barrels, according to the median estimate of 12 analysts in the Bloomberg survey. 

The API collects stockpile information on a voluntary basis from operators of refineries, bulk terminals and pipelines. The government requires that reports be filed with the Energy Department for its weekly survey. 

To contact the reporter on this story: Ben Sharples in Melbourne at bsharples@bloomberg.net 

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Alexander Kwiatkowski in Singapore at akwiatkowsk2@bloomberg.net 

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P.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Ends Lower on Bearish Outside Markets; Bulls Need to Show Fresh Power Soon

Comex gold futures prices ended the U.S. day session moderately lower Tuesday, pressured by bearish “outside markets” that included a firmer U.S. dollar index and lower crude oil prices. The gold market is also seeing some consolidation on the charts after recent gains. However, the gold market bulls need to step up and show fresh power very soon to keep the modest near-term technical momentum they achieved late last week. June gold last traded down $12.40 at $1,576.30 an ounce. Spot gold was last quoted down $15.00 an ounce at $1,578.00.  July Comex silver last traded down $0.136 at $28.185 an ounce.
The market place received a negative surprise overnight when the Fitch credit rating agency downgraded Japan’s sovereign debt rating due to the increasing public sector debt load. That set the tone for a “risk off” trading day in the market place, which was bearish for most markets, including the precious metals.
Traders are now awaiting a European Union leaders’ summit meeting in Brussels on Wednesday. Traders and investors want to see the next steps that will be taken by officials to try to mop up the EU debt crisis—namely Greece’s present mess.
Also on Wednesday the Western powers meet with Iran in Baghdad, regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The early talk is that the Baghdad meeting could see progress made, which would be further bearish news for the crude oil market.
Precious metals traders and investors will continue to closely monitor U.S., EU and Chinese economic data for early clues on monetary policy actions from the central banks.
The U.S. dollar index was firmer Tuesday. The index Friday hit a four-month high. The greenback has benefited recently on fresh safe-haven demand. The dollar index bulls still have some upside near-term technical momentum. Meantime, crude oil futures prices were lower Tuesday after hitting a 6.5-month low of $91.12 a barrel on Monday. Crude oil remains in a bearish fundamental and technical posture.
The London P.M. gold fixing was $1,582.50 versus the previous London P.M. fixing of $1,592.50.
Technically, June gold futures prices closed nearer the session low again Tuesday. While recent upside price action did give the bulls a boost, they need to show fresh power very soon to keep that near-term momentum they gained late last week. Gold bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. An 11-week-old downtrend is in place on the daily bar chart. The gold bulls’ next upside price breakout objective is to produce a close above psychological resistance at $1,600.00. Bears' next near-term downside price objective is closing prices below solid technical support at last week’s low of $1,526.70. First resistance is seen at Tuesday’s high of $1,594.40 and then at $1,600.00. First support is seen at Tuesday’s low of $1,572.00 and then at $1,567.80. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 3.0.
July silver futures prices closed nearer the session low again Tuesday. Silver prices are in an 11-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. The silver bears have the solid near-term technical advantage. Bulls’ next upside price breakout objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at last week’s high of $29.00 an ounce. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the December low of $26.50. First resistance is seen at Tuesday’s high of $28.775 and then at $29.00. Next support is seen at Tuesday’s low of $27.975 and then at $27.78. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 3.0.
July N.Y. copper closed down 150 points 348.70 cents Tuesday. Prices closed nearer the session low. The key “outside markets” were bearish for the copper market Tuesday, as the U.S. dollar index was firmer and crude oil prices were weaker. Copper bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Copper bulls' next upside breakout objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 365.00 cents. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the January low of 340.60 cents. First resistance is seen at this week’s high of 352.05 cents and then at 355.00 cents. First support is seen at 345.00 cents and then at last week’s low of 343.15 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 3.0.


Senin, 21 Mei 2012

(BN) Oil Gains a Second Day as U.S. Opposes Easing of Iran Sanctions

Bloomberg News, sent from my Android phone

May 22 (Bloomberg) -- Oil rose for a second day in New York as the Obama administration said it will oppose an easing of sanctions on Iran and amid speculation the U.S. economy may improve, boosting fuel consumption.

Futures gained as much as 0.5 percent. U.S. negotiators headed to Baghdad for a second round of talks tomorrow on Iran’s nuclear program won’t give the nation relief from sanctions that are hobbling its oil exports, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. Existing U.S. home sales probably climbed last month, a Bloomberg News survey showed.

Crude for June delivery, which expires today, advanced as much as 44 cents to $93.01 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange and was at $92.93 at 9:55 a.m. Sydney time. The more-actively traded July contract climbed 34 cents to $93.20. Front-month futures rose 1.2 percent yesterday, the first gain in seven days, to $92.57 and are down 6 percent this year.

Brent oil for July settlement gained $1.67, or 1.6 percent, to $108.81 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange yesterday. The front-month price for the European benchmark contract closed at a premium to West Texas Intermediate of $15.95.

The U.S., U.K., France, Germany, China and Russia hold talks tomorrow with Iran, the second-biggest producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, as sanctions cripple its ability to export and get paid for crude. The embargo has forced the country back to negotiations and the U.S. is in no hurry to ease the pressure before a deal is done, said the officials.

Existing-home sales in the U.S. rose 2.9 percent to a 4.61 million annual rate in April compared with March, a report from the National Association of Realtors will probably show today, according to the median estimate of 73 economists in a Bloomberg News survey.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ben Sharples in Melbourne at bsharples@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Alexander Kwiatkowski in Singapore at akwiatkowsk2@bloomberg.net

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Outlook Dan Review Pekan Ini: 21-25 Mei 2012

Situasi Yunani dan Eropa menjadi penggerak pasar sepanjang pekan lalu. Kekhawatiran yang muncul menjadi penyebab terjadinya sentimen risk aversion (alih resiko). Para pelaku pasar keuangan global enggan berlama-lama di instrumen yang berisiko dan lebih memilih keluar dari pasar untuk sementara. Lemahnya dollar AS terhadap yen Jepang juga mengonfirmasi turunnya minat para pelaku pasar terhadap instrumen beresiko.
Indeks dollar AS ditutup menguat pekan lalu dibandingkan pekan sebelumnya dan berhasil mencapai level tinggi di 81.76, level yang belum pernah disentuh sejak 13 Januari 2012. Penguatan dollar AS ini menandakan minat pelaku pasar yang tinggi terhadap instrumen dollar AS di saat pasar penuh dengan ketidakpastian.
Tekanan terhadap krisis hutang Eropa bertambah. Beberapa lembaga pemeringkat hutang memberikan berita buruk berkaitan dengan perkembangan krisis hutang Eropa pasca pemilu Yunani dan Prancis. Fitch menurunkan peringkat hutang jangka panjang Yunani dari B- menjadi CCC. Sementara Moody’s menurunkan peringkat hutang 16 bank-bank Spanyol dan 26 bank-bank Italia. Seperti kita ketahui, Spanyol dan Italia kini menjadi sorotan karena dikhawatirkan bisa masuk ke dalam krisis hutang dan meminta bailout. Sementara nasib Yunani masih akan ditentukan dengan pemilu ulang tanggal 17 Juni nanti. Dukungan dari negara-negara G8 pada pertemuannya akhir pekan lalu agar Yunani tetap dalam zona euro belum memberikan kepastian bagi para pelaku pasar.
Untuk data fundamental yang akan dirilis pekan ini, pasar akan memperhatikan dengan seksama data-data dari Eropa dan Inggris seperti data survei IFO terhadap iklim bisnis Jerman, data aktivitas manufaktur dan jasa Jerman dan Prancis, data penjualan ritel Inggris, notulen rapat kebijakan moneter Inggris, dan data GDP Inggris.
EURUSD rebound setelah mencapai level rendah pekan lalu di 1.2642. Potensi tekanan turun belum hilang selama euro berada di bawah 1.2900. Bila berhasil menembus level rendahnya pekan lalu, EURUSD berpotensi menuju 1.24 pekan ini.
GBPUSD rebound setelah mencapai level terendah pekan lalu di 1.5731. Peluang rebound terbuka hingga 1.5950. Sementara tekanan bearish dapat kembali bila sterling kembali menembus ke bawah area 1.5800.
USDCHF mengalami koreksi yang berpotensi berlanjut hingga 0.9330. Tapi tekanan naik akan kembali berlanjut jika USDCHF berhasil kembali ke area di atas 0.9420 dengan potensi target ke 0.9500.
USDJPY masih tertekan dan berpeluang ke arah support 78.30. Resisten di 80.60. Sementara AUDUSD tertahan penurunannya di awal pekan ini tapi masih membuka peluang untuk turun lebih lanjut ke area 0.9650 dengan support terdekat di level terendah pekan lalu di 0.9795. Resisten di 9970.
XAUUSD / emas berhasil rebound mendekati area $1600 per troy ons. Namun peluang koreksi masih terbuka jika harga emas kembali ke bawah level $1584 dengan target di kisaran $1565. Sementara potensi rebound hingga ke level $1607.
Minyak mentah WTI / CO-LS berupaya rebound dengan target ke arah $95.30 per barel. Tapi peluang pergerakan bearish masih besar dan ada kemungkinan menguji kembali level terendah pekan lalu di 90.92 dengan potensi target ke $89.60 per barel.


Juni, Harga Emas Bakal Naik?

 Ester Meryana | Karini |

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Founder AG Golden Investment Club, Ahmad Gozali, mengatakan pergerakan harga emas memang sulit ditebak belakangan ini. Sejumlah hal bisa menjadi penyebabnya.
"Tren harga emas banyak sekali penyebabnya, yang mungkin bisa sulit untuk ditebak. Penurunan kemarin di luar perkiraan 1.530 dollar AS per troy ounce (setara dengan 31,1 gram) tapi dalam tiga hari naik lagi ke 1.590 dollar AS pada hari libur kemarin," sebut Ahmad ketika dihubungi Kompas.com, Senin (21/5/2012).
Menurut dia, bila melihat sejarah dalam kurun waktu tahun 2001-2010, harga emas memang agak turun pada bulan Maret-April. Biasanya karena musim panen yang berlangsung pada dua bulan ini. Penggunaan energi pun tidak besar. "Tapi biasanya turun tidak sampai 5 persen. Sekarang bisa 10 persen," sambung dia.
Untuk tahun ini, Ahmad melihat adanya penguatan dollar AS yang cukup signifikan sebagai dampak dari melemahnya ekonomi Eropa. Surat utang AS pun laku keras. Ketika dollar AS menguat maka harga emas pun merosot. "Harga emas berbanding terbalik dengan dollar AS karena harga emas dipatok dalam dollar AS," katanya.
Ia pun menyebutkan, turunnya harga minyak mentah menyeret harga emas untuk turun juga. Hal ini pun ditambah dengan pelemahan rupiah. Sekalipun demikian, sebut Ahmad, harga emas diperkirakan akan kembali naik pada bulan Juni-Juli. Harga emas ditaksir akan menguat hingga akhir tahun.
Faktor libur panjang dari tengah hingga akhir tahun menjadi salah satu pendorongnya. "Tren lalu, Juni, Juli, Agustus dan puncaknya September atau November dalam satu tahun. Biasanya karena adanya musim dingin sehingga belanja energi tinggi, dan liburan sehingga inflasi tinggi," pungkas Ahmad.


Stocks Rally, China Hints At Stimulus: Daily Markets Wrap

By IBtimes Staff Writer Strained relations between Germany and France became apparent Monday, when the finance ministers from both countries failed to resolve whether the euro zone would benefit from issuing joint European bonds. Berlin rejected the idea, stipulating that struggling economies must deal with economic mistakes before being given a reason not to. Paris, taking the side of stimulus spending under its new socialist leadership, said bonds should be issued now in order to raise funds to create jobs. The disagreement set the stage for Wednesday's informal E.U. summit in Brussels. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's comment that his government is considering policies to promote economic growth was received as a sign Beijing is considering measures to counteract slowing industrial production. The comment was interpreted by market watchers as a sign China would consider further reductions in banks' minimum reserves. China has said it's committed to maintaining a minimum 7.5 percent growth for the year; anything below 7 percent would be considered a hard landing that would rile global markets. Markets appeared indifferent to the weekend G-8 summit where leaders agreed it was in everyone's best interest that Greece remain in the euro zone. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq all closed up -- the latter closing up above 2 percent -- as stocks rebounded from the worst week so far this year. Stocks. Most major world markets were up; the ones that fell were down slightly. Sectors that exhibited strong performance in the U.S. included basic materials, capital goods, energy and technology. The stock price of Irish electrical equipment manufacturer Cooper Industries plc (NYSE: CBE) shot up more than 25 percent after power manager Eaton Corp. (NYSE: ETN) of Cleveland announced it would buy the company for $11.8 billion in cash and stock. A big loser was Lowe's Companies Inc. (NYSE: LOW), which saw its stock price fall 10 percent after the company downgraded its annual earnings-per-share estimate. Bonds. U.S. benchmark 10-year note yields rose slightly, indicating a cautious return to investing in stocks. The Spanish 10-year bond fell slightly to 6.3 percent after climbing to its highest level since late November. Italy's 10-year note dropped to 5.83 percent, the lowest level since late January. The benchmark German bund yield dipped to the near-record low it struck last week before rebounding to a flat 1.47 percent. Currencies. The euro climbed back from a four-month low against the dollar after reassuring statements out of Germany and France that the two countries are committed to keeping Greece in the currency bloc. The euro drilled down below $1.27 last week for the first time since mid-January. India's rupee found a new low against the dollar for the fourth consecutive session, as the currency continued to face the brunt of global uncertainty. Commodities. The S&P GSCI Spot Index of 24 commodities has continued its downward march, erasing year-to-date gains and hitting its lowest level since October. Oil rose for the first time in seven sessions on the news China was likely to implement policies to maintain growth. Oil for June delivery rose slightly. Natural gas for June delivery fell 3.7 percent on expectations that warmer- than-usual weather would reduce short-term demand to an extent that supplies in the fall would be near capacity. Gold for June delivery registered its first loss in three trading sessions. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/343612/20120521/daily-markets-wrap.htm

Credit Suisse Just Completed A Huge Client Survey And They Were Surprised By These 3 Responses

Matthew Boesler Credit Suisse just wrapped up a week of 1-on-1 discussions with its global macro clients and have compiled the investors' responses to various macro concerns. They asked 17 questions. Three answers took them by surprise: "Surprisingly, 29% of investors thought European assets provide the best risk return trade-off over the next decade relative to current expectations, so investors can see opportunities." (Note: this compares with 26% for the U.S., 6% for China, 10% for Japan, and 29% for other emerging markets) "Nearly 60% of investors think there will be a renewed recession in the US within the next 2 years (32% of investors thought there was going to be a renewed recession within the next year). We find this surprisingly bearish, given the robustness of the US growth indicators (housing, employment, loan growth, car sales). "One surprising result of our survey is that only 1% of investors see China as the most significant risk to growth, with 59% of investors believing that there was a zero or less than 25% chance of sub 7% GDP in China! Surely this is an area where investors are too sanguine." While this is largely anecdotal, the results nevertheless offer a useful glimpse into what the big money is doing. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/credit-suisse-client-survey-three-surprising-macro-views-2012-5?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheMoneyGame+%28The+Money+Game%29#ixzz1vYRFuafw

Harga Minyak Mentah Kembali Naik

Ester Meryana | Hertanto Soebijoto  

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com - Harga minyak mentah naik untuk pertama kali dalam tujuh hari menyusul upaya China untuk meningkatkan perekonomiannya dan Goldman Sachs Group Inc melihat permintaan minyak mentah meningkat sementara persediaan kian terbatas. Harga minyak mentah West Texas Intermediate untuk pengantaran Juni naik 1,09 dollar AS menjadi 92,57 dollar AS per barrel di New York Mercantile Exchange, Senin (21/5/2012) waktu setempat.
Harga minyak itu sempat turun 1,2 persen pada 18 Mei lalu menjadi 91,48 dollar AS, yang merupakan penutupan terendah sejak 26 Oktober 2011. Harga minyak Brent untuk penetapan Juli juga naik, yakni 1,67 dollar AS, atau 1,6 persen, menjadi 108,81 dollar AS per barrel di ICE Futures Europe exchange, London.
Perdana Menteri China, Wen Jiabao, mengatakan, negaranya akan fokus untuk mendorong pertumbuhan perekonomian. Lalu, minggu ini, para pemimpin dari G8 menyarankan agar Yunani tetap berada di zona euro dan memaksimalkan ekspansi ekonominya.
"Pernyataan China dan pertemuan G8 sangat mendukung (harga minyak)," sebut John Kilduff, mitra Again Capital LLC, di New York, Senin waktu setempat.
Kepala Riset Energi Goldman Sachs, David Greely, di New York, mengatakan, permintaan minyak mentah terus naik meskipun ada kekhawatiran mengenai data ekonomi.
"Pasokan minyak benar-benar yang tersedia di pasar kian dibatasi oleh ketidakmampuan Iran untuk memasarkan minyaknya sebagai dampak dari sanksi AS dan Eropa," sebut David.


Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Gold Prices Rise More Than 1%

By Jan Harvey (REUTERS) -- Gold rose more than 1 percent on Friday, building on the previous session's hefty gains, as a recovery in the euro prompted fresh buying of the precious metal after prices slid to five-month lows earlier this week. Spot gold was up 1.1 percent at $1,591.10 an ounce at 1332 GMT, having earlier touched a high of $1,594.10, while U.S. gold futures for June delivery were up $16.50 an ounce at $1,591.40. Gold posted its biggest one-day gain since January 25 on Thursday in a reversal that has put it on track to end the week 0.7 percent higher, snapping two weeks of losses. "For the first time in ages yesterday, gold divorced itself from the euro and started to improve on the crosses," said Simon Weeks, head of precious metal at the Bank of Nova Scotia. "A lot of blame for the move has been laid at the door of (Thursday's weaker than expected)Philly Fed numbers, but I think the market was overcooked on the downside and having held above $1,522 was ripe for a bounce." However, a lack of major volume in the market meant the move did not change his negative view of gold, he added. The euro recovered from a four-month lows against the dollar to move into positive territory, taking some pressure off gold, though concerns over a Greek euro exit and instability in the Spanish banking system meant confidence was weak. Gold bucked the trend in the wider markets to trend lower, with European shares falling 0.6 percent and oil prices slipping to their lowest this year. The metal's relationship to heightened risk aversion has been rocky since the start of the euro zone crisis. It rose to record highs last year in part because investors were buying the metal as a safe store of value, but as the dollar and treasuries found greater favor as havens, it slipped back along with the euro. Its price fall to its lowest since January has tempted investors back, however. "Yesterday, gold defied a stronger dollar, weaker equities, and another raft of negative EU headlines (to rise). It felt like the gold market of yesteryears," UBS said in a note. MOMENTUM KEY "To see a return of gold reacting positively to macro stresses is indeed refreshing, but it is still far too early to make any firm conclusions from here that gold has indeed turned the corner," it added. "Momentum will be key, and follow-through buying will have to kick in to encourage investors to jump in." "More importantly, gold's reaction function will have to consistently exhibit its safe haven properties, and do so for some time to attract strategic buying." Holdings of gold-backed exchange-traded funds tracked by Reuters, which issue securities backed by physical metal, edged up 76,000 ounces on Thursday, but remained under the 70 million ounce level they slipped below a week ago. Among other precious metals, silver was up 1.7 percent at $28.52 an ounce. The gold/silver ratio, which measures the number of silver ounces needed to buy an ounce of gold, touched 56.6 this week its highest since late December, easing back on Friday to around 56 as silver outperformed gold in a rising market. Spot platinum was up 0.6 percent at $1,455.74 an ounce, while spot palladium was up 0.9 percent at $603.08 an ounce. Both metals underperformed surging gold prices, with the gold:platinum ratio rising to a 3-1/2 month high at 1.09. As chiefly industrial metals used in autocatalysts, platinum and palladium are more exposed than gold to the economic cycle, and have suffered from a lack of car demand in recent years. Industry players gathered in London from Platinum Week this week were pessimistic that prices would recover soon. "Ever-tightening margins should reduce the appetite for investment in the sector, and that should, in turn, result in slower production growth," RBS said in a note. "(We) continue to see rising production costs as a key driver of a sustainably higher platinum price in the future." In a rare positive story for the metal, a senior official of Hong Kong-based jeweler Luk Fook said that China's platinum jewelry market, the world's largest, has great potential for growth as rising wealth fuels luxury product demand. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/342827/20120518/gold-price.htm?page=all

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Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

(BN) Oil Rises 0.4% in New York, Gaining for First Time in Five Days

Bloomberg News, sent from my Android phone

May 17 (Bloomberg) -- Oil for June delivery climbed as much as 40 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $93.21 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange and was at $93.18 at 10:22 a.m. Sydney time. Prices advanced for the first time in five days.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Gordon at pgordon6@bloomberg.net

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(BN) Gold Tumbles Into Bear Market on Greece Euro-Exit Concern

Bloomberg News, sent from my Android phone

May 16 (Bloomberg) -- Gold, on the brink of a bear market, declined for a fourth straight session as concern that Greece will have to leave the euro boosted the dollar and cut the metal’s appeal as an alternative asset.

The U.S. Dollar Index, a measure against six major counterparts, rose for a 13th day to a four-month high after Greece’s political leaders failed to form a ruling coalition.

“The market no longer seems to be seems pricing in whether Greece will leave the Europe Union, rather when it will happen,” Steve Scacalossi, a New York-based vice president at TD Securities Inc., wrote in a report. “The risk-off tone continued.”

Gold futures for June delivery fell 1.3 percent to settle at $1,536.60 at 1:45 p.m. on the Comex in New York. The settlement leaves prices down 19 percent from a record close of $1,891.90 reached on Aug. 22, about 1 percentage point shy of a bear market.

Earlier, bullion slumped to $1,526.70, the lowest since Dec. 29 and 21 percent below the record $1,923.70 it touched on Sept. 6. The metal erased its gains for the year on May 14.

Investor George Soros increased his holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest gold-backed exchange-traded fund, in the first quarter, while billionaire John Paulson maintained his stake, filings showed yesterday.

Silver futures for July delivery dropped 3.1 percent to $27.196 an ounce on the Comex, after sliding to $26.73, the lowest since Dec. 29.

On the New York Mercantile Exchange, palladium futures for June delivery slipped 1.2 percent to $594.10 an ounce. Platinum futures for July delivery retreated 1 percent to $1,432.20 an ounce.

To contact the reporter on this story: Debarati Roy in New York at droy5@bloomberg.net ; Phoebe Sedgman in Melbourne at psedgman2@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Steve Stroth at sstroth@bloomberg.net

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TOI: Greek euro exit talk ups chance of endgame

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Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Kontrak Emas Turun 1%

Monexnews - Kontrak emas AS per bulan Juni anjlok lebih dari 1% ke angka $1,536.5 per troy ounce hari Rabu ini, level terendahnya sejak bulan Desember, setelah Euro menyentuh level rendahnya 4 bulan terhadap dollar AS setelah Yunani gagal membentuk pemerintahan koalisi.
Upaya untuk membentuk pemerintahan Yunani menemui kebuntuan kemarin, menghancurkan harapan pasar keuangan global yang mengkhawatirkan bahwa pihak yang menentang penerimaan dana bantuan akan memenangkan pemungutan suara yang akan diadakan bulan depan. Pagi ini, harga emas berada dalam kisaran sempit di $1,540 hingga $1,545.


Gold will bounce back & may give 10-15% returns: Experts

Kolkata | Mumbai: International gold prices have lost almost all their gains this year, trailing even weak stock markets, but experts say the precious metal is poised to bounce back in the medium to long term even if it loses more luster in the short term.
Global prices of the metal had plunged to $1,547.99 per ounce, the lowest in 2012, amid concerns over the financial turmoil in Euro zone, but have inched back to $1,560 after positive data about the German economy and demand from southeast Asia and India.
Unlike gold, the stock market is up 5.6% in 2012 despite heavy losses since mid-February.
For India, the decline in gold prices was offset by the rupee's depreciation. But many analysts and traders expect the currency to appreciate in the medium term. Analysts, economists, fund managers, bullion traders and jewellers say the yellow metal will bounce back and may give returns of 10-15% in three-six months depending on the value of the rupee.
"Like every asset class, gold is in a consolidation phase. Though it's currently in a bearish phase due to geopolitical uncertainty, it will bounce back shortly. Gold still remains a safe haven and investors should add gold to their portfolio. At least 10-15% of their investments should be in gold," said Lakshmi Iyer, head of products and fixed income at Kotak Mutual Fund.
Gold prices plummeted as the euro sank against the US dollar on worries that a worsening debt crisis in Greece could spill over to its neighbours and the country may exit the Euro zone. On MCX, the June gold contract on Tuesday was trading at Rs 28,057 per 10 gm, down 0.66%.

Though gold is trading at its lowest since December, Morgan Stanley said the metal's bull run "is not over" and there were buyers at current prices. The recent selloff is "consistent with distressed selling and long liquidation", but prices would recover in coming weeks.

A gold dealer in Singapore said Asian demand was supporting prices. "Refiners can't deliver immediate gold because there's a sudden surge in demand. We are seeing demand from India, Thailand and Indonesia," he said, according to a Reuters report.

Bullion traders have resumed purchases after a gap of two months and started building inventories, traders said. "This is a good time for buying gold, and imports of the metal are expected to touch 60 tonnes this month compared to 35 tonnes last month," said Bombay Bullion Association President Prithviraj Kothari. 